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Intrinsiq Client Focus - Bright World Guardianships

Published Bernice on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 7:29 AM

Intrinsiq Client Focus - Bright World Guardianships

In today’s article we are going to turn the spotlight on to one of our clients with whom Intrinsiq has been working since 2006 - we are referring to Bright World Guardianships. In late 2013,  Bright World shifted to Intrinsiq’s cloud system and they haven’t looked back since. 

So who are Bright World?

Bright World Guardianships was established in 2000 and has acted as guardian to thousands of students over the years. Its sister company, Bright World Education was set up at the same time and has placed as many students into UK boarding schools over the years.

Bright World operates from its Head Office in Sussex UK. The guardianship division has over 30 Local Coordinators across the UK. The organisation is fully accredited by AEGIS (Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students) to Gold standard. Bright World has also won the ST Secondary Award - Guardianship Organisation for two years running 2021 and 2022.

Bright World Education has completed the British Council agent training and is fully accredited to certificate level. It is also a British Boarding Schools Network Approved Agent.

What is the role of a guardianship provider?

In simplistic terms, when a parent chooses to send his or her child to a boarding school in the UK, the child needs to have somebody as his or her guardian for the duration of the stay. At times, parents choose to enlist the help of friends and family in the UK for this, however, when this is not possible because they might not have any relatives there, organisations like Bright World step in to help.

In their capacity as guardians, Bright World are committed to safeguarding student welfare. All staff are fully trained in Child Protection and safeguarding and follow strict Safer Recruitment processes. More recently, Bright World has launched its Mental Health Champion Initiative and is now training up staff and host families to better support students with Mental Health issues.

What do Bright World specialise in?

Bright World specialise in helping international students find the right school in the UK and then looking after them as guardians while they study here.

"Our role as guardians is very diverse and the work we do for our students requires a high level of organisation with very strict processes in place. Our Intrinsiq system is instrumental in helping us to manage the entire company from storing data to managing transportation and host family stays. It also helps us to keep a close eye on all our safeguarding checks to ensure we leave no stone unturned. We could maintain our high standards without our system, that is for sure," they said.


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